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General Support

Review & assess adequacy of existing project information

Advise Principal Designer of additional relevant information required for Pre-Construction Information

Prepare initial project-specific Pre-Construction Information for Designers & anyone investigating / assessing the site

Assist the Principal Designer to co-ordinate matters relating to Health & Safety in design work during the pre-construction phase

Attend Project + Design Team Meetings and support the Principal Designer in Design Risk Reviews

Review project Design Risk Assessment Process and assist the Principal Designer to co-ordinate

Assist the Principal Designer to manage flow of Health & Safety Information between Client, Designers & Principal Contractors

Propose Health & Safety File format during pre-construction phase

Provide CDM and Health & Safety advice to Principal Designer & Project Team as necessary

Issue F10 Notifications for project on behalf of Client / Principal Designer

Assist the Principal Designer to plan, manage, monitor & co-ordinate matters relating to Health & Safety during the pre-construction phase

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As CDM Advisor acting in support of Designers who have been required to act as Principal Designer, GHPC can provide you with a full support service to ensure you comply with your legal obligations as Principal Designer under CDM 2015.


As a design consultancy ourselves, at GHPC we fully understand that as a designer, you may prefer to concentrate your resource and experience towards the actual design matters of a project, but that as Lead Designer of a project, it may be sensible for your company to be named as the Principal Designer, or perhaps your Client may require it as a condition of your design appointment.


By appointing GHPC to support you in fulfilling your PD duties, you will have the full backing of our extensive experience and knowledge of all things CDM, as well as the considerable systems expertise we have developed to manage the audit trail you (and your Client) will require in discharging your legal duties.

CDM Advisor (for Principal Designers)

What to expect from GHPC's CDM Advisor Service


In supporting a Principal Designer, with GHPC acting as CDM Advisor, the following outline service would be recommended:  

Produce Pre-Construction Information for Tender Pack

Provide CDM advice & input to the Principal Designer for tender review as required

Assist the Principal Designer in liaison with Principal Contractor through pre-construction phase

Provide the relevant Pre-Construction Information to the Principal Contractor

Review the Principal Contractor’s initial Construction Phase H&S Plan (CPHSP)

Advise Client/Principal Designer on suitability of the CPHSP and Welfare Arrangements of the Principal Contractor

Continue to assist the Principal Designer to co-ordinate matters relating to Health & Safety in design work

Prepare the full Health & Safety File

Prepare a Draft Health & Safety File for the pre-construction stage and hand over to Principal Contractor to complete

Health & Safety File Review Service, where a third party prepares the H&S File for the project

Planning & Initial Design Stage Support

Specific Tender Stage Support

Construction Stage

Health & Safety File

Depending on project / contract requirements, there are three possible options whereby GHPC Group Ltd can provide H&S File Services to a project:

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CDM - Designers
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